Thanks to the joint efforts of the UN Global Compact in Ukraine and the DTEK Group, innovative portable water purification systems have arrived in Ukraine, provided by the AFTA Group as humanitarian aid. Pullman Electric Water Tricycle mobile water purification systems filter contaminated water in water-scarce conditions and provide drinking water regions.

Завдяки спільним зусиллям Глобального договору ООН в Україні та Групи ДТЕК в Україну прибули інноваційні мобільні системи очищення води, які надала в якості гуманітарної допомоги компанія AFTA Group. Мобільні системи очищення води Pullman Electric Water Tricycle здатні в умовах дефіциту води фільтрувати забруднену воду та забезпечувати регіони без водопостачання питною водою.

Similar systems are widely used in regions where natural disasters and water supplies have been disrupted. In particular, the Mykolaiv area's water supply system that supplies water to Nikolaev was damaged due to a military invasion. Thanks to the Pullman Electric Water Tricycle mobile system, it will be possible to compensate for drinking water disruptions in this region.

"The russian army is purposefully destroying the critical infrastructure of Ukrainian cities to damage our people both psychologically and physically. Due to the criminal actions of russians, millions of Ukrainians today do not have access to clean drinking water. This pushes us back in the implementation of the 6 Sustainable Development Goals and leads to a humanitarian catastrophe in entire regions. During the war, we appreciate the partnership - both with Ukrainian business and global companies working together to give Ukrainians a simple but vital possibility - to drink clean water," said Tatiana Saharuk, Director General of the UN General Assembly in Ukraine.

DTEK Group and UN Global Compact in Ukraine send innovative water purification systems to Mykolayiv Region. Picture 3

Thanks to the UN Global Compact in Ukraine, this delivery of humanitarian aid from the AFTA Group has become another example of international support provided by private companies in cooperation with Ukrainian businesses. Earlier, DTEK Group and Schneider Electric launched a broad program to assist private and state-owned energy companies with electricity supply in Ukraine.