Amid the aftermath of a fierce snowstorm that swept through the Odesa region and other parts of Ukraine over the weekend, DTEK repair teams were scrambled and successfully restored electricity to affected communities.

288,000 households across the Kyiv, Odesa, Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions were hit as snowstorms battered the south of the country. A substantial number of fallen trees complicated efforts and the aftermath left tens of thousands of households without power.

Grids crews battled the unforgiving elements to successfully restore power to 120,000 families within 24 hours – repairing dozens of lines that routed power to over 2,000 substations.
Kyiv region faced significant disruption too. There, energy workers have successfully restored electricity to 32,000 families with more still to come.  And in Donetsk region, bad weather has been compounded by russian attacks. DTEK teams have restored power supply to 84,000 homes across 105 settlements and work continues to bring back a full service elsewhere.

Whatever the challenge, DTEK will never rest in working to bring warmth and light to homes across Ukraine.