In an interview with Microsoft Dmytro Osyka, Director of DTEK`s MODUS X, said that stable business operation of energy sector requires not only physical security, but highly robust cybersecurity.

To ensure business continuity and increase resistance to cyber threats, the company upgraded its system safety and relied on the Microsoft Azure to strengthen its security posture.

“With Microsoft Azure we were able to ensure the operation of IT systems and solutions conveniently and safely for our business. Azure also helped maintain security and stability in difficult conditions. Multifactor authentication (MFA) is also of extreme importance to DTEK. It adds a layer of protection to our sign-in process since cyberattacks and hacking attempts continue. The security of data and access to our systems is of utmost importance,” - explained Osyka.

He added: “Going digital is the key to a successful future in a new, dynamically changing world full of risks, volatility, and uncertainty. Digital transformation is a matter of business survival and competitiveness. It is not a luxury, but a necessary condition for business protection and development”.

Read more here — Microsoft.