DTEK Energy is doing everything it can to make sure that flexible thermal power generators can run reliably to keep the Ukrainian power system stable throughout the autumn and winter. As part of the preparations for the heating season, the company is repairing thermal power plants and working hard to support reliable coal production at its mines.

The biggest challenge for the Ukrainian power system during the war will be operation with some of its generating capacities lost, either because they are near the area of active hostilities or because they are in areas temporarily occupied by the enemy. That is why all market participants should present a united front and work as a single team, and look into all possible scenarios of actions in different situations.

From its side, DTEK Energy is doing everything possible to make sure that despite the war, Ukraine's power system will have enough balancing capacities for continuous operation. The company's power generators moved to a war footing in record breaking time, got adapted to extreme conditions, realigned their logistics and partially relocated its production chains.

"The war will indeed make this winter the most challenging since Ukraine's independence. That is why we started preparing for it in advance. We are repairing our power plants: 8 power units have already been set up, and 4 more are now under repair and are being geared up for a busy winter. We take every effort to ensure reliable coal production at our mines. In the last two months alone, our coal mining companies put 9 new longwalls into operation. Currently, it is sufficient to ensure continuous operation of TPPs. We were also among the first, during the war, to move our machine building companies providing Ukrainian mines with equipment and materials they need to safer regions of Ukraine. Together, we are doing our best to make sure that this winter, too, Ukrainians will have lights and warmth in their homes", said Ildar Saleev, DTEK Energy's CEO.

Despite the war, the Ukrainian power grid has already repeatedly overcome serious challenges. As part of preparations for the synchronisation with the European power system, Ukraine passed the island mode test, synchronised with ENTSO-E ahead of time and successfully completed the last heating period, again despite the war.