In a recent article, US broadcaster NPR (National Public Radio) sheds light on DTEK's transformative efforts, quoting key figures such as DTEK CEO Maxim Timchenko and the Chief Power Engineer at the Tylihulska Wind Power Station, Maksym Bogadytsya. The piece explores DTEK's role in rebuilding Ukraine's energy landscape amid adversity and emphasizes their commitment to strengthening the nation's energy security.
Despite war, DTEK is repairing the damage inflicted by the occupier and forging a new era for the nation's energy system. Valeriy Moskat, a utility repairman at DTEK, reflects on the common goal shared by both civilians and soldiers: "We do our work, they do [theirs], but we're working for the same thing – bringing normal life back to Ukraine."

Maxim Timchenko, DTEK CEO, emphasizes the company's commitment to restoration and innovation. In a recent statement, he declared, "Today, we are busy restoring not only what the occupier is destroying but also building a new energy system." 

According to Timchenko, this new system aims to enhance Ukraine's energy security and position the nation as a decarbonization leader and a crucial energy hub for Europe.
Maksym Bogadytsya, Chief Power Engineer at the Tyligulska Wind Power Station, encapsulates the situation's urgency. Standing beneath the whirring blades of the first wind turbine erected after Russia's full-scale invasion, Bogadytsya remarks, "We all know what the last winter was like. Every megawatt is important. Every megawatt is necessary." 
These sentiments underscore the critical role of energy infrastructure in rebuilding not just infrastructure but hope for a better future in Ukraine.
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