Dear friends and colleagues!

Today Ukraine celebrates Power Engineer Day.

This is a day for people whose work is no less important than the work of our military on the front lines. After all, the existence of Ukraine directly depends on the military and energy fronts.
On February 24, all 60,000 employees of DTEK stood up to protect the energy system of Ukraine. All this time, each energy worker in his place contributes to ensuring it continues functioning. Its stability is build with these bricks, which the whole world marvels at.

Russia understands that without electricity, the economy of Ukraine will stop, and we will not be able to defend ourselves effectively. That is why it hits the energy infrastructure. A thousand Russian missiles and drones already launched by the enemy can damage our stations, but they cannot break our energy workers, their courage, and their dedication to their work.

Over ten months of Russian aggression, our workers returned the light to almost 6.5 million families in Kyiv, Kyiv, Odesa, Donetsk, and Dnipropetrovsk regions. Our enterprises extract coal and gas so the country can get through this challenging heating season. DTEK company provided humanitarian aid worth over UAH 630 million for citizens and military personnel.

DTEK's mission is to bring light and warmth to people. And you prove that this is not just a slogan with the work you do 24\7. You fight the darkness because only those not afraid of the dark can bring the light.

It is symbolic that the professional holiday of power engineers falls on the winter solstice, after which the night will begin to shorten. We will defeat the darkness and all the evil it carries with joint efforts.

Despite the war, DTEK does not give up its plans to be the leader of decarbonization in Ukraine. We will build a new, modern energy system that guarantees energy security and a clean electricity supply for our European partners and us.

Happy holiday, dear colleagues! Thank you for your work, your courage, and your daily heroism!

We believe in the indomitability of Ukraine and the Victory of the light!

Maxim Timchenko