Dear colleagues!

Today, DTEK celebrates its 17th anniversary. Back in 2005, it all started with a dream. A dream of building a European energy company in Ukraine that would grow to be an industry leader. Looking at the path we have walked, I can confidently say that we have brought our dream to life. And this is the achievement of every company’s employee.

For 17 solid years, DTEK has been evolving and transforming. With each year we grew more experienced, knowledgeable, and strong. Each year added to our confidence by expanding our professional ambitions and horizons.
All this time, the company has been successfully developing the energy sector of Ukraine. DTEK set trends, implemented projects, many of which with the prefix “first time in Ukraine”. We have become pioneers in implementing innovations and new technologies.

On February 24th, our life got divided into "before" and "after" and the company had to defend the country on the energy front. For more than 4 months, DTEK has been making a significant contribution in ensuring the stable operation of the energy system, which is crucial for Ukraine amid war. Unfortunately, the price for bravery is extremely high. This war took the lives of many of our colleagues. The memory of them will remain in our hearts forever.

The war has given us a new dream. It can be described with one short but meaningful world. Victory. DTEK, together with all of Ukraine, now lives and works to make this dream a reality.

Despite the war and all the difficulties, the company confidently looks into the future. Unity is our strength and the guarantee of our victory, in which we all believe.

DTEK is ready to build a new post-war Ukraine and a new energy sector for our country. We have unique experience and a clear vision of how to do it. But most importantly, we have employees who can live the most ambitious projects out.
Over the last 17 years, DTEK has withstood many trials, including the war. Each time, the company has demonstrated its ability to quickly adapt and work effectively in new reality. I am positive that we will get through this difficult historical period with dignity.

I am grateful to all DTEK employees for these eventful and fruitful 17 years. Thank you for the energy you bring to the company every day.

I sincerely wish everyone a speedy realization of our common dream of victory, clear sky, as well as prosperity for Ukraine and our company.

Happy birthday, DTEK!

DTEK CEO, Maxim Timchenko