Innovation manager at DTEK Andrii Bondar will join the panel discussion on the book “Touching Hydrogen Future”, as part of the European Hydrogen Week taking place from 24-28 October 2022. This webinar, on Oct 28 at 10:00 CEST, will be blue-sky thinking about the future of the hydrogen economy. Global in scope, it will dive into how the hydrogen-powered future might look in the Netherlands, Greece, Ukraine, and Morocco.

«We really hope to attract as many partners, investors as possible to our reconstruction process because we are setting very ambitious targets – we want to launch exports of at least 1 million tons of the hydrogens from our country. So, to build it we need a lot of resources, expertise, assistance international partners. But first, to start this process we need to get some security guaranties»,- said Andrii Bondar.

Ukrainian hydrogen strategy is still in the making. However, Ukraine is already putting additional emphasis on hydrogen as an important substitute for fossil fuels in terms of stability and self-sufficiency of Ukraine's energy sector and competitiveness of the export products.