During the first month of spring 2023 DTEK’s energy workers brought the lights back to 181 thousand families that had been left without electricity supply in Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions. Across these regions, military hostilities and shellings have been intense, therefore, as a matter of safety precautions, energy workers may only work and restore the power grids after they get a go-ahead from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service. Following another shelling, the workers of distribution system operators also brought the lights back to 9 thousand families in Odesa region.

“Our task is to provide stable electricity supply to both the households and critical infrastructure facilities of Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions to the maximum extent possible, insofar as recurrent shellings allow. During more than one year of full-scale war we brought the lights back to over 4 mln families in Donetsk region and to almost one million in Dnipropetrovsk region already. Most of them were left without lights on 2 and more occasions because of the enemy’s attacks,”

noted Oleksandr Fomenko, CEO, DTEK Grids.

The company’s professionals keep working in the regions where the fiercest hostilities are underway together with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service and resuming the operations of power grids as soon as they get a go-ahead from the latter.

* including the fact that the company had to bring the lights back to some of its clients on 2 and more occasions.