Having synchronised with the ENTSO-E, Ukraine has become a part of the European energy system, which will enable us to move on to the market integration. This will in turn allow Ukraine to freely trade energy with Europe and attract significant investments into the Ukrainian energy sector.

"Ukraine has already become a part of the European energy system: it is a single system spanning from Portugal and Spain to the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. We are fully integrated into the European system, which enables us to move on to the market integration. Ukraine will be able to freely trade energy with the Europeans, which will boost competition and help attract investments. I am sure that after Ukraine wins,  we will see significant investments coming into the Ukrainian energy sector as a result of the integration into the European market", said Dmytro Sakharuk, DTEK's Executive Director, at the press briefing in a Lviv media centre.

Most promising in terms of attracting investments is the Ukrainian renewable energy sector. Today the installed capacity of solar and wind power plants in Ukraine is around 8.9 GW, including 1 GW of DTEK companies' capacities. 

Potentially, the renewable energy sector can be scaled up to 20 GW of installed capacity. Ramping up investments into the renewable energy sector will enable Ukraine to produce additional electricity, which can be exported to Europe to replace russian energy.

"Amid efforts to bring down the reliance upon russian oil, gas and coal, Europeans need additional energy, and it should be clean, and we as Ukraine can give that",

said Dmytro Sakharuk, DTEK's Executive Director.