Dmytro Osyka has been appointed to the position of DTEK’s Information Technology Director. Prior to that, he worked as the head of the MODUS digital transformation programme and headed the IT Directorate at DTEK Service. The position of IT Director (or CIO) was introduced as part of DTEK's transformation under the New Strategy 2030 presented in December 2020.

"COVID-19 has dramatically accelerated the digital transformation of society, showing how vulnerable a business may be that does not take seriously the importance of digitalisation of its processes," said DTEK’s Executive Director Dmytro Sakharuk. – IT solutions are being increasingly integrated into the business and the companies' production processes, directly influencing their efficiency. DTEK has launched a large-scale digital transformation programme aiming to achieve its ambitious goal to become a digital enterprise in the 2025+ perspective. I am sure that Dmytro and his team will implement a number of projects and achieve this goal."

Dmytro Osyka has been working for DTEK since the company's inception; he successfully developed IT departments, effectively solving the challenges of reducing operating costs and increasing business efficiency. In addition to implementing DTEK's IT strategy, Dmytro Osyka will also continue to coordinate the MODUS digital transformation programme he has been heading since 2018. Under this programme, he is responsible for developing a management system and vision for the digitalisation of business areas and functional units, implementing digital solutions.

"Today, the role of IT director has transformed from a technology expert into a business strategist. Similarly, IT is no longer just a service but a driver for improvement of business efficiency, a competitive advantage and a source of new ideas. As director, my goal is to build a technological framework that will help accelerate DTEK's transition to new data-based decision-making models, to become a digital enterprise where people and technology work together effectively, and to create new business values using IT," said DTEK’s IT Director Dmytro Osyka.

Dmytro Osyka has 19 years of experience in the field of information technologies. For the last 15 years, he has been working in DTEK's business structure, from software programmer to the company's head of IT. He has a degree in Computer Information Technology and Automation, Economics and Management, and an MBA from the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School and INSEAD.