141 DTEK Group employees lost lives to the barbaric russia’s full-scale invasion. 126 of them died defending Ukraine in the ranks of the Armed Forces. 4 died while performing their professional duties. Another 11 died from injuries received as a result of shelling during off-duty.


"Over the past year, russians took lives of 141 of our colleagues, friends, mates. This is the biggest and most painful loss both for the company and for the entire country's power sector. We will definitely restore the damaged objects; we will rebuild the destroyed ones, but we can never return the people," said DTEK CEO Maxim Timchenko.

He emphasized that all the fallen colleagues are real heroes. Those who defended Ukraine’s sovereignty with weapons in their hands and those who had fallen fighting for Ukraine’s power system stable operation.

"My sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of the fallen colleagues. They will forever remain in our hearts. The best tribute is to continue their work. We must continue to boldly carry the light, bringing Ukraine's victory closer,"

said the DTEK CEO.