DTEK, the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration and the Mykolaiv Regional Council have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation aimed at the economic and social development of the region as a result of the construction of the DTEK Tiligulska Wind Power Plant. The economic recovery and the implementation of projects aimed at sustainable development are, at present, the joint responsibility of business and government.

The signing of the Memorandum is aimed at strengthening cooperation between the state authorities and business, analyzing the most pertinent social and economic development issues of the Mykolaiv region, and implementing ecological and social partnership programs in the region.

“This Memorandum reaffirms our desire to unite the efforts of the regional state authorities, local governments and socially responsible businesses in order to build an effective dialog. The purpose of this is to further the Mykolaiv Region’s development and improve the life chances for people in their communities. After all, the emergence of a new investor provides additional tax revenues to the treasury and creates additional jobs, and this will contribute to a more comfortable standard of living in communities,” said the head of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration, Vitalii Kim.

“Attracting investment and the emergence of new, large-scale projects are the main levers for the region's development. One of the areas of our cooperation with DTEK is a social partnership on the sites where wind farms are to be constructed – the Koblivska and Berezanska united territorial communities. Social projects that will be implemented prior to this are the reconstruction of the heating and gas supply system of the Berezanska Central District Hospital, the refurbishment of the first-aid post in the village of Anatolyivka and the reconstruction of water supply systems in the villages of Krasnopillya and Anatolyivka,” said the head of the Regional Council, Hanna Zamazieieva.

The DTEK Tiligulska WPP will start generating energy in 2022. Moreover, the construction work that ensues will create several hundred temporary jobs and dozens of permanent jobs in the region.

“The memorandum on cooperation and the construction of the new DTEK Tiligulska WPP creates new opportunities for regional development, and for the enhancement of the economic and social environment. At the national and European levels, this project is a step towards reducing the environmental burden and contributing to Ukraine’s commitment to combating global climate change,” said DTEK’s CEO, Maxim Timchenko.

A total of UAH 18 bln in investment will be put into the construction work. The new wind farm’s capacity of 500 MW will help reduce CO2 emissions by 2 mln tons per year.