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The week of business ethics and compliance 2023

The week of business ethics and compliance 2023

We have a zero-tolerance policy for all forms of corruption in our company. We actively train our employees and senior managers to operate ethically and to world-class standards, looking out for all forms of bribery or corruptions. The Week of Business Ethics and Compliance is an effective educational tool demonstrating social responsibility and an active public position. Since 2010, the DTEK Group's Compliance Service has successfully built an effective internal anti-corruption system and trained employees in ethical business conduct. 


We rely not only on Ukrainian legislation but also on international norms and the best global practices. This approach allows us to adapt to European markets quickly. Transparent business conduct and openness is the best way to gain the trust of partners and customers. DTEK Group signed the UN Global Compact Memorandum on Joint Anti-Corruption Actions in Ukraine three years ago. As agents of change, we motivate the business community in the country to move towards European standards. Recently, DTEK Group became the first Ukrainian company to join the Partnership Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) of the World Economic Forum to combine efforts to fight corruption with leading global companies and accelerate the transformation of Ukraine. This shows the recognition of DTEK's achievements in following the best international anti-corruption practices and promoting anti-corruption culture and experience in Ukraine.

Coordination of actions, synergy of efforts, and consciousness at the internal and external levels are the keys to improving the ethics of business relations and the state's economic prosperity. Let's unite and demonstrate together a worthy example of modern and transparent business!

Actions speak louder than words

We are convinced that the activities of each employee must comply with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct approved by the DTEK Group and the Anti-Corruption Programme. Each of the top managers of the DTEK Group should illustrate the implementation of the generally accepted norms by their example.

All adopted internal rules meet the requirements of the OECD Convention, the UN Convention against Corruption, and other international documents.

Coordination of actions, synergy of efforts, and consciousness at the internal and external levels are the keys to improving the ethics of business relations and the state's economic prosperity. Let's unite and demonstrate together a worthy example of modern and transparent business!

Ildar Saleev
Oleksandr Selishchev
CEO DTEK Renewables
Igor Shchurov
CEO DTEK Oil & Gas
Ildar Saleev

DTEK Energy business is based on transparency, honesty, and openness in relations with our partners, state bodies, and communities.

We actively promote the formation of an anti-corruption culture in our company, carefully approach compliance issues, conduct training for our colleagues, and implement a culture of compliance in all our business processes and projects.

ESG principles are key to our activities; they help us attract the best professionals and talented young people. We aim to implement compliance ethics at every management level and all our enterprises - thermal power plants, mines, and engineering plants- while ensuring safe working conditions, a comprehensive healthcare system, and adherence to corporate governance and risk management practices.

Oleksandr Selishchev
CEO DTEK Renewables

Within its business activities, DTEK Renewables cooperates with Ukrainian and international partners. For us, as well as for our partners and investors, conducting transparent and honest business is the basis of an impeccable business reputation. We have become the pacesetter of the green energy sector in Ukraine, which is one of the pillars of our country's energy independence. We made a courageous decision to continue developing renewable energy and build new renewable energy facilities despite the war.
In our company the rules of business ethics and compliance are based on Ukrainian legislation and international standards, and they are deeply integrated into all DTEK Renewables business processes. In 2018, we developed and implemented the Anti-Corruption Programme, which provides effective control over corruption risks. In particular, we carefully select our business partners and do not conduct business with counterparties that have not received the compliance approval.
DTEK Renewables has always had and will have zero tolerance for corruption because we understand that the sustainable development of business and of the entire country begins with each of us.

Igor Shchurov
CEO DTEK Oil & Gas

The success of DTEK Oil & Gas has always been based on trust built on high ethical standards and zero tolerance for corruption, which is one of the fundamental principles of DTEK Oil & Gas's work and the basis of our corporate culture.

In our activities, we promote transparency and openness, adhering to the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, as well as the Anti-Corruption Programme developed in the company. We strive for a sustainable environment where manifestations of corruption are unacceptable and condemned by all, without exception, team members.

For DTEK Oil & Gas, there are no compromises in corruption matters. We have a firm anti-corruption position and are guided by high standards of business ethics. Thanks to these principles, DTEK's oil and gas business has been trusted and has had a high reputation among partners and the public for many years.

Only honest and transparent activity can lead to success and sustainable business development.

Oleksandr Fomenko
Ivan Geliukh
Sergey Kovalenko
CEO D.Solutions
Oleksandr Fomenko

At any time – peacetime or wartime, DTEK Grids has zero tolerance for corruption in any form or manifestation.

The Anti-corruption Programme, the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, and other compliance documents for the electricity distribution business developed at DTEK are not formal but effective documents. They are an efficient tool for combating unethical and illegal actions in every area of our activity.

Honesty, openness, and absolute rejection of corruption are the keys to the success of modern business. Only this approach will ensure the trust of customers and partners and a healthy and productive environment among the employees of DTEK Grids enterprises. Read more

Ivan Geliukh

D.TRADING is actively growing and developing. Therefore, we are constantly improving our approaches to building up business and management processes based on the world-class best practices. We are aiming at becoming a key bridge between the EU and Ukrainian energy markets and, in the meantime, a model of transparency and efficiency.

We operate in competitive markets and accurately analyze the regulatory requirements for the activity both in Ukraine and in Europe to comply with all standards. D.TRADING's risk management system has several levels, and credit risk assessments are carried out on an ongoing basis in order to minimize potential threats.

The Company extensively uses control mechanisms in the field of identification and examination of counterparties as well as implements algorithms to prevent conflicts of interest. Our priority is not so much to eliminate the consequences of dishonesty as to prevent them.

D.TRADING has zero tolerance for violations of international standards of business ethics at any level. Our tools are directed to minimize risks within the Company and to develop and maintain ethical standards that are of importance for the Company’s success and growing level of trust of our partners and customers.

Sergey Kovalenko
CEO D.Solutions

YASNO respects and always adheres to the postulates of business ethics and compliance. We take the rules of integrity, openness, and decency as the basis of our work with clients, partners, and the team. To comply with this, we establish and strictly follow several relevant procedures and processes. Responsibility and transparency help us avoid misunderstandings and build strong and long-lasting relationships with each other.

Another effective tool we use is digitization. In addition to its obvious convenience, it guarantees an additional level of transparency, as it eliminates the human factor from many processes. This reduces the risk of errors and unjustified interventions in processes and algorithms. At the same time, when implementing innovative digital projects, we do it with strict compliance and all requirements and norms, ensuring safety for customers and partners.

Our team will continue its activities, creating digital projects and services to simplify and improve the lives of Ukrainians. We do this without compromising our values, business ethics, and compliance.

Tatiana Shishlova
CEO DTEK Service
Dmytro Osyka
John Stuart
CEO DTEK Renewables International
Tatiana Shishlova
CEO DTEK Service

Compliance is more than just following rules and laws. This is ethics, this is openness, this is the inner spirit of our company. When we adhere to all necessary standards and requirements, we create trust among our customers, partners, and colleagues. This trust forms the basis for successful relations and long-term cooperation.

DTEK Service cooperates daily with counterparties; therefore, transparency and ethical business conduct with all counterparties is task number one.

Thanks to the coordinated work of DTEK Service employees at all levels, including the management level, adherence to internal compliance rules and anti-corruption norms is ensured for the company's successful and sustainable business activities.

Business ethics and compliance are our guiding principles and direction in big business.

Dmytro Osyka

As an IT company, MODUS X integrates cutting-edge and modern technologies. But in every line of our code and every bit of information, we embody innovation and an understanding of the importance and adherence to ethical standards. We believe in fair play and value open communication within the company and with our clients and partners. Thus, the principle of transparency is applied in all aspects of the company's work.

Among our priorities is zero tolerance for any illegal actions. This is part of our culture, and we actively work to ensure its adherence at every level of our company's activities. The anti-corruption strategy at MODUS X is based on clear internal rules, principles, and norms of behavior that apply to every employee, regardless of their position in the company.

In modern business, and the IT sector is no exception, business ethics and compliance adherence are key to creating a sustainable and responsible business. They ensure the legality and transparency of activities and play an essential role in building trust with clients and partners, which is an integral part of success in the technological world.

John Stuart
CEO DTEK Renewables International

Only transparent and fair business is a good business. As a European company, DTEK Renewables International B.V. considers anti-corruption compliance its highest priority, guaranteeing and safeguarding our business reputation. We firmly take the position of zero tolerance for corruption.

DTEK Renewables International B.V. maintains the “tone at the top,” recognition, and positive support for ethical conduct and transparency throughout our organization.

Our mission is twofold – just as we develop and promote energy from renewable sources, we manifest a transparent and corruption-free corporate culture in the business world.
