DTEK improved its performance indicators in the field of environment, social policy and corporate governance. The company’s performance has been evaluated by the Sustainalytics, a global leader in providing high-quality, best-in-class analytical environmental, social and governance (ESG) research, ratings and data.

The multi-dimensional Risk Ratings score for DTEK was 26.6. Compared to last year, DTEK improved its rating by 3.3 points and ranked 36th in the world among 214 energy companies, which activities were analyzed. Sustainalytics, an International Morningstar Company, highly praised the progress of DTEK in reducing long-term, industry material ESG risks with regard to such material ESG issues as resource use, community relations, occupational health and safety, and the environmental impact of products and services, which surely testifies to the reliability of DTEK's business.

Without implementing ESG principles today a company cannot safeguard its long-term success. DTEK's New Strategy 2030 is based on the ESG principles, respects the core business values and seeks to meet the relevant public needs. The results of Sustainalytics' risk rating confirm that DTEK has set off in the right direction along the development path. The rating score improved by virtue of the openness of DTEK, its transparency, the renewable energy development, the introduction of the emerging technology, and large investments in sustainable development," underlined DTEK's Executive Director Dmytro Sakharuk.

DTEK works very hard to minimize the impact its production activities have on the environment and wider society, focusing on both now and the quality of life for future generations. In 2020, DTEK invested UAH 3 billion in sustainable development.