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Powering Ukraine
and Europe

DTEK x Fluence
DTEK selects Fluence to deliver 200 MW advanced energy storage systems in Ukraine
Find out more about how DTEK is helping drive a green recovery, both in Ukraine and Europe.
This campaign focus international attention on the critical state of Ukraine's energy system

We are delivering heat and light to millions of people, not just in Ukraine but across Europe.

DTEK Group is the largest private investor in the energy sector in Ukraine, with over €12 billion in invested capital since 2005, employing 55,000 people.

Our enterprises generate electricity at wind, solar and thermal power plants, distribute and supply electricity to end consumers, extract natural gas and mine coal, trade energy resources on Ukrainian and foreign markets, and provide domestic and commercial energy services. Our production enterprises are integrated into operating holdings, with separate companies managing day-to-day activities in each of DTEK Group’s businesses.

From our origins as a thermal power producer, DTEK is today transforming into a sustainable and resilient energy leader for Ukraine and Europe.

From national
to international leadership
Starting life in eastern Ukraine, DTEK’s operations today stretch across Europe.
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Our vision and plan
Our people
Investing in green
Standing with Ukraine
Sustainability underpins DTEK’s growth model and it is key to finding partners to be able to create a truly independent Ukrainian energy system. The company works hard to mitigate the impact its production activities have on the environment and wider society, focusing on both today and our future generations.
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