In November the nation’s energy system suffered from russia’s terrorist attacks time and again. This resulted into considerable damage and blackouts across the entire territory of Ukraine.

During November, energy professionals resumed the integrity of grids that had been damaged by the strikes and shellings and brought the lights back for over 1 million families in 1,104 cities, towns and settlements in Kyiv, Donetsk and Dnipropertovsk regions, as well as in Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv. In view of the frequent strikes and shellings, some of the repair teams had to restore electricity supply several times during that single month.

Thus, DTEK’s energy professionals united their efforts with emergency services and NEC Ukrenergo and during November managed to bring the lights back for 395 thousand families in Kyiv and for 324 thousand customers in Kyiv region, who had been left without lights because of the targeted strikes on critical infrastructure facilities.

Besides, DTEK brought the lights back to 110 thousand families in Dnipropetrovsk region and to 205 families in Donetsk region during November.

“Over 9 months of war, DTEK’s energy professionals brought the lights back for more than 5.8 million families in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa and Donetsk regions, as well as in the city of Kyiv.
Despite the recurrent missile strikes and projectile shellings, our professionals keep working and rebuilding the ruined grids right after they get the appropriate permissions from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Emergencies Service.

Besides, our energy professionals help bring the lights back on the liberated territories of Kherson region, where it they are most needed. As many as 6 repair teams consisting of DTEK’s energy professionals are working on rebuilding the grids in the North and South of Kherson region. Our goal is to provide both large cities and small villages with electricity, which is crucial for assuring the decent living standard of the people across all of Ukraine’s regions,” said Oleksandr Fomenko, CEO DTEK Grids.

The company has reported that because of major damage done to the energy system scheduled blackouts continue to apply across the most part of Ukraine’s regions as ordered by NEC Ukrenergo to avoid large-scale failures. The blackouts shall continue until the energy system is ultimately made stable.

You may find the information about the blackouts and restoring electricity supply on the web-sites and social media pages of distribution system operators and at the official DTEK’s channel on Telegram