In January-March, DTEK Energy miners put six new longwalls into operation. This will help maintain coal production at a rate required for Ukrainian TPPs to operate steadily.

As part of the effort, the company’s mining enterprises commissioned two longwalls in January, three in February, and one in March.

“Ukrainian miners are very busy not only in the cold months but the whole year without a break. After all, coal mining is not a quick process. Longwalls need to be put into operation in the spring so that coal can be delivered to TPPs in October or November. This is why the miners are now working 24/7 to provide TPP generation with coal during the equally severe heating season to come,” says DTEK Energy CEO Ildar Saleev.

Last year, the company’s coal-mining enterprises put 28 new longwalls into operation.

To get through the heating season more securely, DTEK Energy provided its own TPPs with fuel and found a way to help government-owned ones. More than 120,000 tons of coal were shipped late last year to cover their needs.