russia continues to carry out massive terrorist attacks on civilian and energy facilities in Ukraine.

Today, February 10, four TPPs of DTEK Energy were damaged due to night and day enemy shelling.

According to preliminary information, two station employees were injured due to the attack. They were promptly provided with medical assistance.

As a result of the shelling, the equipment of the enterprises was seriously damaged. After the end of the attack, the power industry quickly began to eliminate its consequences and restore the operation of the equipment.

For safety, only critically necessary employees are at the facilities; others work remotely.

DTEK Energy continues to do everything possible to maintain the reliable operation of the Ukrainian energy system in the face of massive enemy attacks. The company synchronizes its actions with NEC "Ukrenergo."

In September - February, energy enterprises of DTEK Energo were attacked 27 times. Twenty-eight energy workers were injured, and three died. There were also deaths and injuries among workers of contracting organizations and rescuers.