DTEK creates the necessary conditions and adapts services to the needs of all customers, including those with disabilities. DTEK Grids Distribution System Operators (DSOs) have introduced a special service for people with hearing impairments allowing them to consult a contact center specialist in sign language. This feature has been added to the functionality of DTEK Grids five corporate websites in the City of Kyiv as well as the oblasts of Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kyiv, and Odesa oblasts.

DTEK Grids adjusts online services to the needs of the widest possible range of customers. Thus, persons with hearing impairments can communicate live with a company specialist, ask questions requiring an individual approach and receive advice on the company's services. To date, DTEK Grids DSOs customers have used this service more than 700 times.

“We are transforming our business in line with DTEK's New Strategy 2030, based on ESG principles and the UN Global Compact sustainable development goals. Introducing inclusive approaches in customer service is an important step towards accessibility for persons with disabilities. Therefore, we adapt our services to be convenient for all customers. This is in line with the Sustainable Development Goal 16 Peace and Justice. We have made sure that our services are easy to use for clients with hearing impairments. With the help of a special form on the website, persons can receive an online video consultation in sign language,” said Ruslan Volynets, DTEK Grids Customer Relations Director.

The service works 24/7. To receive a video consultation in sign language you need to:

  • Visit the website of your distribution system operator. In Kyiv it is , in Kyiv oblast – , in Dnipropetrovsk oblast – , in the Donetsk oblast – , in the Odessa oblast – ;
  • Click the blue ear icon in the bottom right corner; and
  • Consult a DSO specialist following the instructions.

The online service for clients with hearing impairments is a continuation of the company's policy of creating barrier-free client spaces – both physical and virtual. By renewing its own service centers, DTEK Grids makes them convenient and accessible for customers with disabilities. Therefore, they are organized around the needs of people using wheelchairs. Currently, 55 out of 104 centers are equipped with ramps. In addition, the main entrances of all DTEK Grids DSO customer service centers are equipped with buttons to summon customer service specialists for customers with wheelchairs or crutches.