More than half a year's journey into the art of change management is drawing to a close. The fifth module of the Change Energy Program for executives, dedicated to Leadership in Action, was held online and at Academy DTEK on December. We talked about leadership in difficult times and a commitment to change to promote long-term success.

Academy DTEK, обучение

Stephen Adamson, Director of General Management and Leadership Programs at IE Executive Education, has dived participants ino Positive Leadership from three perspectives: training mindware, harnessing strengths, and habit hacking. That is, achieving competitive advantages is possible only through a change in the way of thinking and behavior itn the workplace, as well as a radical change in emphasis in how we manage, lead and develop individuals and teams.

«Difference between positive psychology and positive leadership is the art of implementation in a business context rather than simply on an individual. Most organizations are designed on mistaken assumptions about their employees:

  • Anyone can learn to be competent in almost any task.
  • People grow most when you focus on their weaknesses

With a strength based vision the goal is to focus on the development of natural abilities (talents) which a person already possesses. This system is more effective since people are more motivated when working with their talents, enjoy their work better and learn much more easily.

With Juan Carlos Pastor, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Academic Director of the Center for Global Leadership at IE Business School, talked about self-management, self-eassessment, power and influence, as well as types of leadership: “As a leader it is important to not only see the own success, but focus on the success of others."

Guest speakers of the module shared very sincere and practical cases:

  • Roman Bondar, Managing Partner of Korn Ferry, international consulting company - on leadership in times of transformation, team motivation and dealing with burnout;
  • Vasyl Zadvorny, General Director of SE Prozzoro, the official platform of the electronic public procurement system in Ukraine - on ambitious goals, courage to act and make decisions in a period of uncertainty;
  • Mykhaylo Merkulov - ex General Director of Arricano company, one of the leading developers of shopping centers in Ukraine – on self-motivation, constant development and ambitious goals of the leader.

On January 28, 2022, participants will present the results of the roadmaps of changes, on which they worked with IE Business School mentors during the entire period of study on the program.

The Executive Development Program «Change Energy»– is a practical 5-modular program for managers to develop managerial and innovative potential to perceive changes as opportunities for realizing strategic business goals and developing a culture of business transformation.
