DTEK CEO Maxim Timchenko will join the roundtable discussion organized by Center for European Reform (CER) and devoted to the discussion of the impact of war on Ukraine’s economy.

Though much international media coverage has focused on the military invasion and on the war’s terrible humanitarian cost, russia is also attacking Ukraine’s industrial and agricultural infrastructure. Reports on the damage caused to the

Ukrainian economy and the on-going efforts to keep it functioning will be discussed. Panelists will talk the ways to support the Ukrainian economy functioning and post-war recovery over. On top of that, the participants of the roundtable discussion will consider the ways the international partners can support Kyiv.

The roundtable discussion will take place on April 4 on at 16:30-18:00 (London time).

The discussion will be broadcast live on https://www.cer.eu/events/discussion-impact-war-ukraine%E2%80%99s-economy2