Last year, the company provided funding of UAH 16.4 mln to 78 social and charitable projects in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, and Mykolaiv regions.

Being a socially responsible business, DTEK Renewables is interested in the sustainable development of the regions where it operates, and it systematically provides systemic assistance and support to the social, economic, and cultural development of the local communities. This is why the company is engaged in social partnership programs implemented in the regions where it operates.

Last year, in particular, the company provided the funding of about UAH 11.5 mln to 15 projects. This money was used to finance the development of health care, education, and water supply infrastructure, and to support landscaping projects. Thus, an alley was remodelled and street lighting in the city centre was upgraded in Prymorsk (Zaporizhzhia Region); the water supply system is currently under construction in Azov village, and a school in Orlivka village received a new roof, canteen, windows, and doors. DTEK Renewables co-financed a project to convert a non-residential property into a children and youth sports school in Pokrovske village council of Dnipropetrovsk Region, and funded the repairs to a water supply system in Chkalovo village in Pershotravensk Joint Territorial Community. The company developed two three-year social partnership programs in cooperation with Berezan and Koblevo communities.

In 2021, DTEK Renewables also joined the DIY Community* competition for mini-grants and provided the financing of UAH 4.9 mln to 63 initiatives. The grants were awarded to social, environmental, and energy efficiency projects, health care and sports initiatives, as well as landscaping projects for local towns and villages. When selecting the winners, the jury focused on the development of barrier-free communities in a wide sense. Moreover, many projects included an environmental component. For instance, over 1,100 trees and bushes were planted as part of the competition. Over 750 volunteers joined the DIY Community projects implemented in the territories where DTEK Renewables operates. DTEK Renewables, in cooperation with the Shakhtar Social Charity Fund, opened two football classes for children in Mykolaiv Region as part of the Let's Play** project run by Shakhtar FC.

‘We strive to focus on the interests of the society in a wider sense. This is why socially responsible investment in cooperation with local communities is imperative for the operations of DTEK Renewables,’ commented the company’s CEO Maris Kunickis.

Totally, the company has invested UAH 61 mln in aggregate in social projects since 2013. These funds were used to support the development of social and economic infrastructure, including repairs to schools, preschools, and health care facilities, purchasing school buses, upgrading street lighting, renovating water supply systems, etc.

* The DIY Community Project has returned to the regions where DTEK Renewables operates — DTEK (
** DTEK Renewables has joined Shakhtar FC’s Let’s Play Project — DTEK (