DTEK Group is expanding MODUS, the digital transformation program that covers both productive and administrative processes across its business.

Launched in 2019, the digital transformation of DTEK Group is reaching a new level. Digital Finance, Digital Trading, Information Security, and Digital Infrastructure are new modules of the MODUS digital transformation program that have been added to existing ones. Now, DTEK Group is implementing digital change projects in 13 different areas.

“The expansion of DTEK Group’s digital transformation program was a logical move, given the global trend for digitalization, the transformation of the Ukrainian energy sector, the industry’s safety and reliability requirements. The successful implementation of the first MODUS projects showed how important the development of digital technologies was to keep the business competitive and make it more sustainable, — noted Dmytro Sakharuk, the Executive Director of DTEK. — Since the MODUS program was launched in 2019, the introduction of digital products and solutions has produced an economic effect of UAH 470 million.”

New areas of the MODUS program also involve transforming the role of IT in DTEK’s business processes. According to DTEK’s CIO Dmytro Osyka, big data has already become one of the most crucial resources, and its preservation and proper use is the key to business development, reduction of a variety of risks, and improved security.

“Our target for 2025+ is to transform DTEK into a digital enterprise. To this end, we are actively developing the expertise and maturity of our product teams. The value of digital products and IT solutions created and implemented by us for the company’s businesses grows every year. And our expansion of the MODUS digital transformation program is another step towards the digital transformation of the Ukrainian energy sector as a whole,” — emphasized Dmytro Osyka.

Reference: MODUS is a strategic long-term program of DTEK Group, which was the first in the Ukrainian energy sector to start a comprehensive digital transformation. The digital transformation program started in 2019 with projects in five areas: mines, TPP, logistics, grids, and HR. In 2020, another four streams joined the first wave — field, analytics, office, and procurement. In early 2021, MODUS extended to cover two more directions — digitalization of customer services and renewable energy.