The Ukraine Gas Investment Congress is an international forum designed to facilitate the dialogue between investors, experts, and energy companies to increase the development of gas reserves in Ukraine and modernise gas assets.

The Congress was initiated by NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine, with the support of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine. It is being held in Kyiv from 20-21 October 2021.

Experts, officials, and leaders of companies in the gas sector joined the forum, and DTEK, as the leader in Ukraine’s private energy sector, played an important role: Maxim Timchenko, CEO of DTEK, Natalia Grebenyuk, Executive Director of DTEK Oil and Gas, and Dmitry Sakharuk, Executive Director of DTEK all addressed the Congress.

DTEK CEO Maxim Timchenko said, “Ukraine can and should develop its gas production. This is a matter of national security and energy independence. The development of gas production using modern technologies - environmentally friendly and innovative - requires significant investments, and investors need competitive conditions, transparent rules, guarantees at the state level.”

The key topics of discussion were the challenges faced by the world energy markets. They also discussed the impact on the Ukrainian economy of peak prices of gas and other fossil fuel sources. There was unanimous agreement that the ways out of the crisis should take into account the long-term strategy of the industry while maintaining transparent market conditions.

Maxim Timchenko added, “Any initiatives to limit the rights of independent gas producers to sell gas at market prices will damage Ukraine’s image in the international arena, have an extremely negative impact on European integration processes, and freeze international investments in the industry.”