DTEK Energy continues to prepare its thermal power plants to operate at peak capacity in the upcoming heating season.

Along with the restoration work, this year's repair campaign will include 27 scheduled repairs of TPP units. Four were already completed in March-May, and another nine are in progress.

According to preliminary data, over UAH 1.2 billion has been invested in TPP repairs in the first five months of this year.

"We are actively preparing for the next winter. At the same time, we continue to work under constant shelling. In May alone, Russians attacked our thermal power plants three times. One thermal power plant was even forced to shut down due to shelling and damage to the main power lines by the enemy. But even under such conditions, the power engineers continue to provide the country with the necessary electricity and repair equipment to ensure stable operation during the heating season,"

– said Ildar Saleev, CEO of DTEK Energy.

Last year, DTEK Energy's TPPs completed 26 repairs of power units. The previous year's repair campaign investments amounted to almost UAH 2.2 billion.