Despite grim expectations, the toughest heating season is drawing to its close controllably; not least due to the efforts of thermal generation. This told us Ildar Saleev, CEO, DTEK Energy.

The company has been getting prepared for the upcoming winter season for the second consecutive month already, and that one does not promise to be any easier. But currently the first six regions are getting disconnected from the heating facilities; therefore, the results of ongoing heating season are being readily summarized.

For DTEK Energy’s employees, the recent winter was a time of enormous challenges. The company’s energy workers have been attacked by the enemy on 30 occasions. 3 people dead, 28 wounded. More than one thousand units of TPP equipment have been damaged; direct losses amount to UAH 6 billion.

Despite this, according to Ildar Saleev, the previous 5.5 months for employees of DTEK Energy were about:

  • 7.8 billion kW*h of electricity generated for Ukrainian energy system. Such volume is the equivalent its average consumption by 2.6 million families during an entire year.
    9 repaired energy generating units at TPPs.
    14 new coal faces that were put into operation to match coal needs of Ukrainian TPPs.
    9 roadheaders manufactured by machine builders. What is more, they produced almost 357 thousand spare parts and expendables. All these are intended to match the miners’ needs.
    181 thousand tons of coal delivered to state-owned generation facilities to match their needs.

“Whatever is ahead of us, Ukrainians are able to stand up to it. If we have endured this winter, we shall be able to go through anything!”

said Mr. Ildar Saleev with confidence.

Photo: The New Yorker, by Sasha Maslov