A successful, prosperous, independent Ukraine is only possible if full integration with the EU and partnerships between states and businesses are pursued. This was stated by the director of DTEK B.V. Oleksandr Kucherenko during the conference "Ukraine's Place in Europe: Achievements and Challenges after 30 Years of Independence", organised by the foundation OpenDoorUkraine.NL in cooperation with the Embassy of Ukraine in the Netherlands.

DTEK emphasizes the importance of integration with the EU on energy issues during a conference in the Netherlands

The conference participants in attendance of the hybrid event in The Hague - which featured representatives from civil society, government and business, - discussed Ukraine’s achievements and challenges in becoming a state dedicated to the European values of democracy, respect for the law, and human rights.

In his speech, Oleksandr Kucherenko stressed that Ukraine would only be able to fulfil its potential and become a leader in decarbonisation in Eastern Europe after completing the reform of its electricity market, creating a stable and predictable investment environment. The energy sector is a key sector for achieving the country’s CO2 reduction targets and ambitious climate policies.

"Involving representatives of the EU energy community as experts in market reform will help establish a dialogue between business and government and develop effective development strategies that will be based on European experience. Business should fully support the state in these processes, and DTEK, as a responsible business, is ready to actively participate in the process of constructing a new, modern and efficient energy sector in Ukraine", said the director of DTEK B.V. Oleksandr Kucherenko.