DTEK signed a memorandum of cooperation with UNIT.City. Together, the companies will support startups of the Ukrainian and international ecosystem.

The partnership agreement was signed by DTEK Chief Innovation Officer Emanuele Volpe and UNIT.City CEO Dominique Piotet during the educational meeting with startups that participate in the NEST Bootcamp program, an intensive 3-months program for advanced startups, those inspiring scale-ups with plans to launch a product or already on the market, who are ready to move on to the next level.

“Innovation DTEK has been based in Ukraine's first innovation park UNIT.City for three years now. All this time, we have been actively exchanging experience with UNIT.City and involve each other in innovative projects in order to let the whole world know about Ukrainian startups,” said DTEK Chief Innovation Officer Emanuele Volpe.

He added that the companies were united, in particular, by the NEST Bootcamp program. The program includes workshops, webinars, meetings with mentors and other events that will contribute to the development of the Ukrainian innovative ecosystem.

According to Volpe, within DTEK and UNIT.City partnership, joint innovative activities of the companies are planned together with the startup teams that participate in the NEST Bootcamp program.

“NEST is actually acronym: Networking, Ecosystem, Startups & Technologies. All four elements work in cooperation with DTEK,” said Dominique Piotet, CEO of UNIT.City.

NEST is the first and only platform in Ukraine that unites startups with investors, talents with corporations, entrepreneurs with lawmakers, Ukraine — with the whole world.