British newspaper The Times reported on the plight of Ukrainians facing a winter in which freezing conditions are compounded by the russian threat to the country’s energy system.

"russia will most definitely resort to energy terrorism once again this upcoming winter,”’ the newspaper quotes DTEK CEO as saying. ‘”This winter season will be no less challenging than the previous one. Last winter, determination carried us through. This winter we are stronger, and our people are more experienced.”

The story points out that russia is trying to break Ukrainians’ spirit by destroying both homes and the power system – plunging people into cold and dark conditions. It goes on to explain that last winter almost half of Ukraine's energy facilities were targetted by russian strikes, causing widespread blackouts. ‘With temperatures dropping again, concerns grow over a potential new wave of missile strikes on power plants, posing a threat of leaving millions without essential services,’ Times correspondent Marc Bennetts writes.
Heavy snowfall in southern Ukraine on Sunday has added to the challenge, especially around the port city of Odesa.