Upgrade of the lighting system provides for the installation of 2,200 LED lamps as part of the energy service project. This will save 7.2 million kWh of electricity per year and reduce emissions to the atmosphere by 6,440 tons of CO2. The project is being financed and implemented on a turnkey basis by the energy efficiency company DTEK ESCO.
“We plan to complete all the works by the end of November. But now we see that the result of energy saving already exceeds our expectations a little. At the same time we use the equipment of the famous company Philips. Our company invests more than 20 million hryvnias into the project,” said Andrii Ivanko, Project Manager of DTEK ESCO.
“The most important thing that we are interested in the upgrade of electric lighting is to improve working conditions for staff, reduce energy consumption and increase the level of illumination. New lamps are very reliable and can work without replacement for more than 5 years. Now our employees can visually compare how the production areas of the shop are lit with old lamps and how LED lighting stacks up against them,” said Vitalii Holovchenko, Head of the Energy Saving Department of Ilyich Iron and Steel Works.