DTEK, together with business representatives and public organisations, joined the UN Global Compact’s initiative and signed the Memorandum of Joint Action on Anti-Corruption in Ukraine. The initiative should contribute to the creation of a transparent environment which renders the occurrence of corruption impossible, and will stimulate the development of the economy, companies and society.
“Only through cooperation between the public and private sectors can we overcome systemic barriers, change the status quo and build transparent systems. The memorandum on joint anti-corruption actions in Ukraine, which was signed by representatives of business and public organizations, is an important step towards enhancing Ukraine’s integrity.We have joined the international program for collective action in the field of anti-corruption and are working to unite all stakeholders who are capable of joint actions to build an anti-corruption culture in society”, said UN Global Compact Ukraine Chief Executive Director Tatiana Sakharuk.
The Memorandum was signed on December 9 as part of the International Anti-Corruption Day. In accordance with the Memorandum, the parties will undertake the following obligations:
conduct their business operations in a fair, honest, and transparent manner, in full compliance with the laws of Ukraine comply with all mandates of labor and employment laws ensure safe and healthy working conditions for employees
treat waste and production residues with due care to ensure maximum environmental protection and compliance with all applicable standards ensure that their employees, business partners and other related third parties are aware of and embrace these principles by conducting adequate training activities to that end actively foster Industry transparency by engaging in coordinated communication and training efforts to disseminate this document and its principles, thereby informing other industry players about them and encouraging their conformity
All commitments are consistent with the principles of sustainable development and contribute to social progress.
“The signing of the UN Global Compact Memorandum on Joint Action on Anti-Corruption in Ukraine is an important initiative that will create additional opportunities to reduce the level of corruption in our country. Progress in the fight against corruption will allow Ukraine to make significant progress on the path of European integration, complete important reforms, and restore the economy. A transparent business environment in Ukraine is the most important condition for making decisions about investments and business development. Working on international markets, we understand that we can only be successful if Ukraine is successful”, stressed DTEK CEO Maxim Timchenko.