DTEK Energy's thermal power plants are operating continuously to ensure the reliable functioning of the domestic energy system. Thus, since the beginning of the war, generating enterprises have supplied almost 6.5 billion kWh of electricity. That is equivalent to the average electricity consumption of about 26 million households per month, or about 2.2 million households throughout a year.

"For almost six months, Ukrainian defenders are bravely and heroically fighting on the battlefield, while Ukrainian energy workers, miners, and machine builders are firmly holding the energy forefront. A difficult winter season is ahead, so we have done, are doing, and will do our best to support the reliability of the Ukrainian energy system during peak load periods,"

stated Ildar Saleev, CEO of DTEK Energy.

As part of the preparation for the heating season, a repair campaign is ongoing at DTEK Energy's TPPs. In total, it is planned to repair 26 power units of thermal power plants by the end of the year. Repairs of 12 TPPs have already been completed, 4 are in progress, and 10 more are tentatively scheduled to be implemented by the end of the year. DTEK Energy's specialists implemented more than 60% of the planned annual repair campaign at thermal plants. This year, investments in repairs totalled almost UAH 1 billion for 7 only months.