Today, November 20th, the first of seven ships contracted by DTEK with coal from the USA and Colombia arrived in Ukraine. The Panamax-class vessel moored at the Yuzhny port and is intended for the needs of state-owned TPPs of PJSC Centerenergo. The volume of the first delivery amounts to 60.5 thousand tons.

“Despite the extremely difficult conditions in the energy sector, we mobilized all available resources to get ready for the heating season. By the way, this is not the first time that we have supported the state generation and stability of the Ukrainian energy system. In October, about 50 thousand tons of our own coal were urgently shipped to Centrenergo and Donbasenergo. This was done to prevent them from stopping. In addition to the shipment of fuel, we also help with the maximum capacity of our TPPs. For example, out of the 28.5 units of TPPs operating on Friday, 25 units were ours,” said Ildar Salieiev, Chief Executive Officer of DTEK Energy.


To date, DTEK has agreed with international suppliers on the import of 7 shiploads of coal to Ukraine. Of these, 5 shiploads with coal will be from the USA and 2 from Colombia. The volume of each shipload ranges from 40 to 75 thousand tons. The total volume of contractual supplies provided to cover the needs of Ukrainian TPPs is almost 470 thousand tons

All shipments are expected to arrive in Ukraine during November 2021 – January 2022. The next batch is expected at the end of November, 4 in December and 1 in January. All of them are intended for the needs of DTEK Energo TPPs.

In addition to the shipments, the company imports from Poland. In August, DTEK Energo signed two agreements for the supply of a total of 340 thousand tons of power coal from Poland. Also in September-October the company imported coal from Kazakhstan. Thus, to date, the total volume of contracted gas coal from Poland, USA and Kazakhstan is about 0.9 million tons. The company does not stop there and is negotiating additional volumes of coal imports. In September-October alone, DTEK Energy imported a total of more than 356 thousand tons of coal.

The company sees coal imports as a temporary measure to cover fuel shortage, while using Ukrainian coal mining remains a priority. During January-October this year, DTEK Energo mines produced 13.7 million tons of grade G coal and commissioned 23 new faces. In total, the company plans to extract about 17 million tons of gas coal this year.