The CEO of DTEK, Maxim Timchenko, spoke at the main international Bloomberg conference

Emerging + Frontier Forum 2022 was hosted by Michael R. Bloomberg, this flagship event was hosted in New York. The event has gathered heads of state, ministers, central bank governors, and top executives to share their insight into the opportunities, risks, and growth potential of these increasingly important emerging and frontier markets.

Issues of economic support for Ukraine were among the main topics for discussion because Ukraine is facing unprecedented economic challenges in war conditions. During the conference, the international community discussed ways to support Ukraine with financial assistance to stabilize capital markets and, ultimately, restore its economy.

The CEO of DTEK joined the first discussion: "Supporting the Ukrainian economy: eliminating the financing deficit and long-term economic recovery."

"Talks about the economic recovery of Ukraine after our victory, which no one doubts, are illusory because the economy must be restored now. Ukraine has shown success on the front line, and now it's time to win on the economic front. It is necessary to find solutions and levers that will give exponential growth to our economy. We see that these solutions can be in the renewable energy sector. Climatic challenges and blackmail of energy prices will speed up the decarbonization process worldwide, and Ukraine should also bet on RES today. I am convinced that Ukraine can become the main exporter of clean energy to the EU and lay the foundation for its own energy security in the future," – Maxim Timchenko said during his speech.

“The new energy system of Ukraine will be based on carbon-neutral sources - nuclear energy and renewable energy sources. I am glad that DTEK's vision coincides with the vision of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine. At the conference on the restoration of Ukraine in Luhano, government representatives spoke about the need to developenewable energy sources. We fully support this course and see the transformation even bigger - Ukraine could be a green energy hub for Europe,” – Maxim Timchenko added.