Dear colleagues!

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you happiness in New Year 2023!

The most difficult year in the history of the company and the entire country is behind us. Ahead of us is the way to the Victory.

Our mutual task is to continue bringing Ujraine's victory closer by doing our everyday job.

With each kilowatt-hour of electricity produced, with each restored energy facility and revived house, the day when we will hear the long awaited words: "The war is over, Ukraine has won!" is gettin closer.

Thanks to your courage and heroism, the company survived in 2022. Thanks to your dedication, millions of Ukrainians have light and warmth again. Thanks to your daily work, the country's energy front is in good hands.

Thank you for your courage to snine the light in dark times!

I wish all of us that the new year will be the year of the end of the war. Let our common dream of the Victory come true in 2023. I hope this year will be the year when we celebrate the new DTEK era under a peaceful sky while building new power sector for Ukraine.

I wish you and your loved ones health, wellbeing and peace!

Maxim Timchenko