Compliance is sometimes perceived as a buzzword that does not have a special meaning, but this is far from the case. Compliance covers almost all the rules that each of us must follow in our daily work. These rules relate to preserving the reputation and assets of the business and help avoid problems with the regulator, clients, partners, and investors.

In 2010, DTEK created a special subdivision - the Compliance Management Department or the Compliance Service, of which I am an employee. My role is rCompliance Manager, and my job is to ensure that all company activities are carried out within the regulatory framework and business ethics framework. My advice and recommendations always take into account the business goals of the company. This means that I can either suggest new opportunities or recommend that specific actions not be accepted if they would put the business at risk.

DTEK Compliance Service employs four people. One of the tasks of our division is to build an effective internal anti-corruption system and train employees to follow the principles of ethical business conduct adopted in the company. To do this, we use the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, the Anti-Corruption Program, and compliance controls in crucial business processes. Another important aspect of the company's transparency and responsibility is the functioning of the Line of Trust channel, which allows DTEK employees to report possible violations of the norms and standards of internal corporate ethics.

It is important to note that DTEK has implemented anti-corruption mechanisms and violations. For example, we assess corruption risks when interacting with counterparties, keep business gifts and hospitality records, monitor and prevent potential conflicts of interest, and perform automatic sanctions screening of all counterparties.

Regularly, we monitor the effectiveness of existing compliance controls, which allows us to continuously improve the effectiveness of the compliance system and quickly respond to any changes in the compliance environment.

One of my tasks is to communicate compliance issues to employees across the company. This sometimes requires deciphering laws or ethics and determining how to establish and integrate best practices. My colleagues and I regularly conduct training and create e-learning courses and video content to improve the compliance culture. This is probably my favorite part of the work, as it allows me to interact with many people living and working throughout Ukraine.

I realized one fact during my work: it is very easy to get bogged down in details. But constant training, tracking, and studying new laws, rules and regulations, close cooperation with the legal department and compliance managers from other companies, help me keep the professional level high.

And in conclusion, I would like to say: I am pleased to know that the work performed by the Compliance Service helps the company comply with high ethical standards of work and expands opportunities, including access to modern financial instruments, the opportunity to become a partner of the world's largest companies, to establish oneself in the market as a reliable business partner and avoid unwanted financial sanctions from regulatory authorities.

Anita Yushchak, DTEK Compliance Manager