Dear colleagues, partners, and veterans of the energy sector!

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your professional holiday – Day of Energy Sector Employee!

December 22nd is the shortest day of the year. And on this day, we traditionally celebrate the holiday of all those who have chosen the profession of power engineering. This holiday highlights the importance and value of our profession - we give people energy, bring lights and warmth to millions of homes, and provide comfort to millions of families. In the present-day world, energy is the basis for the boost in all sectors of the economy. Without it, further technical and economic progress is impossible.

Energy today is an industry that is rapidly changing. Digital technologies and innovations have entered the energy sector of Ukraine. DTEK is guiding these changes, being the transformation leader and setting the example for other energy companies.

I am grateful to each of you for your dedication, knowledge, and experience, for ideas and effective solutions, for your desire to learn and demonstrate results. Keeping an open mind to the novelty and the ability to accept challenges maintains the strength of DTEK. Your will for diversity constantly transforms, shapes up and takes the company to a whole new level. Together we are building new energy in Ukraine.

Happy Holidays, dear colleagues!

I wish you good health, family well-being, and may good luck accompany you, and all your plans come true!



Maxim Timchenko