Global Wind Day is celebrated annually on June 15. It aims to draw attention to wind generation potential and benefits of green energy. DTEK Renewables, the largest investor in renewable energy in Ukraine, makes significant input in generation of clean energy from wind.

2020 was the best year in history for the global wind industry with 93 GW of new capacity installed. Ukraine also has a high potential for development of wind power market and electricity generation. According to experts, the best weather conditions for this are noticed on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas.

That is why DTEK has chosen these regions to place wind farms with a total capacity of 500 MW:

· The Botievska WPP with a capacity of 200 MW was commissioned in 2012-2014. The facility is equipped with 65 Vestas wind turbines with a capacity of 3 MW each. In 2020 the WPP generated 607,7 million kWh to the Ukrainian Energy System.

· The Prymorska WPP with a capacity of 200 MW was commissioned in two phases: in February and in November 2019. The facility is equipped with 52 GE wind turbines with a capacity of 3.8 MW each. In 2020 the WPP generated 669,5 million kWh to the Ukrainian Energy System.

· The Orlivska WPP with a capacity of 100 MW was commissioned in November 2019. The facility is equipped with 26 Vestas wind turbines, with a capacity of 3.8 MW each. In 2020 the WPP generated 335,8 million kWh to the Ukrainian Energy System.

The use of this energy allows avoiding the equivalent of 1.7 million tons of CO2 emissions. DTEK's key goal is to acheive carbon neutrality by 2040.

In March 2021 DTEK Renewables and Danish company Vestas, the world leader in production of wind turbines, announced start of DTEK’s Tiligulska wind power project construction. DTEK Tiligulska WPP will install innovative onshore turbines on the EnVentus platform with a capacity of 6 MW each. The new wind farm’s capacity of 500 MW will help reduce CO2 emissions by 2 mln tons per year. This project is a step towards reducing the environmental burden and contributing to Ukraine’s commitment to combating global climate change.

In 2020 Global Wind Energy Council released Global Wind Turbine Supplier Ranking. Vestas remains in No. 1 place for the fifth year running, GE Renewable Energy – on the second place. Both suppliers proved wind turbines to DTEK’s wind plants.

DTEK Renewables is one of the largest electricity producers from the renewable energy sources in Ukraine. We assume that this sector has great potential. Our ambitious goal is to increase electricity generation from RES and reach 33% share in the generation of DTEK Group by 2030.