DTEK has focused all its resources on restoring damaged electric networks in the Kyiv region. We have brought in additional maintenance crews from the Dnipro region, Odesa region and the city of Kyiv. Power supply to all region residents will be restored by 1 June.

“As of today there are 1,600 km of damaged power lines in the Kyiv region. DTEK has put together all resources and capabilities and focused on making sure that all region residents would have the lights back as early as 1 June,”

said Maxim Timchenko, DTEK’s CEO, during his work trip to the Kyiv region on 16 April.

The key objective for our company is to restore power to the Kyiv region residents as fast as possible. That is why the first phase will see temporary connections being made to supply power. After that we will start restoring power supply through permanent connections, which will take more time and financial resources.

This way we will be able to ensure reliable and interruption-free power supply to households and companies in settlements that suffered destruction during military hostilities.

During the last 24 hours, DTEK’s linemen turned power back on to 47,338 families in 27 towns and villages of the Kyiv region. Work is now underway in another 30 settlements in the Borvary, Bucha and Vyshhorod districts.