Summer starts in Tiligul! Last week, an annual eco-initiative took place – territory of the regional landscape park “Tiligulsky” got ready for the holiday season and estuary coast was cleaned. DTEK Renewables, as a socially responsible business is interested in sustainable development of its territories, has supported the local environmental event.

Eco summer in Tiligul. Picture 1

Tourist season has already begun, thus the coast of the Ukrainian Spit was still covered with garbage. Citizens decided to solve the environmental problem together! Organizers of the initiative – administration of the Tiligul landscape park, association of tourism leaders of the Mykolaiv region and department of ecology of Mykolaiv sate administration – gathered more than 120 participants for the cleaning.

“We hold such events 10 years in a row, and each year we attract a new generation of people who are interested in environmental protection of our native land. Indeed, this is a small holiday where all

participants not only clean, but also learn to care about environment. During such events, we organize various quizzes, competitions, teach scholars and students to care about ecology of their community. We are sincerely grateful to representatives of regional and national business, and above all DTEK Renewables, for their support. We consider this contribution as a systematic approach to solving ecological problems not only in Tiligul landscape park, but also Mykolaiv region as well. We are glad that enterprises committed to sustainable development appear in our region”, said Tatiana Chichkalyuk, co-organizer of the event.

Eco summer in Tiligul. Picture 2

For several hours citizens of Mykolaiv and Koblivska community, students, scholars gathered garbage on the coast. In total eco-initiative managed to collect more than 100 bags. The community’s administration took transferred garbage for recycling.

DTEK Renewables systematically supports environmental activities and initiates creation of new projects. This spring in the regional landscape park “Tiligulsky” in Mykolaiv region, an unusual eco-project was launched. Its aim is to increase population of rare and endangered bird species – population management. The project’s idea is to install artificial islands for those feathered inhabitants who lack safe place for breeding. Construction of artificial islands with a total area of 500 sq m was completed before the nesting period. According to park workers, the bird islands are already filled with the first “inhabitants”.

By increasing its portfolio of renewable energy projects, DTEK Renewables strives to be a leader in reducing climate change effects and provide minimal impact on wildlife within construction of new wind farms.

DTEK Renewables and ecological organizations in Mykolaiv region plan to carry out joint actions which will be focused on improvement of environment and promote social development of region thanks to construction of the Tiligulska Wind Power Plant.