DTEK has partnered to create an electronic version of the Barrier-Free Handbook, that is supposed to collect new barrier-free language standards, provide a glossary of basic terms, explain the basic principles of barrier-free communication, and become the guide to correct communication. The manual has first been presented by the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska.

"I always emphasize that barrier-free is a new norm, equal opportunities for all people and accessibility. One of the important elements of barrier-free communication is barrier-free language. It is a language in which there are no words or phrases that show a biased, stereotypical, or discriminatory attitude towards certain people or groups. Human is the main focus. The handbook is supposed to be the guide to correct conversation based on the the ethics of communication, "- said Elena Zelenskaya.

The Barrier-Free Handbook is an open-source project available for use and citation and supplementation. Human rights activists, psychologists, parents raising children with disabilities, Ukrainian and international experts worked on it.

Olga Zakharova, DTEK's Corporate Communications Officer, stressed that creating a barrier-free environment is one of the company's priorities according to the New 2030 Strategy, which is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and complies with ESG principles. That is why, according to her, DTEK has joined the initiative of the First Lady of Ukraine.

"The company approaches the barrier-free issue comprehensively. Our business is not constrained to working with people with limited mobility or people with disabilities. We take care of other groups of people who need attention - young people looking for their first job, parents with young children, older people, or as we say, people of “elegant" age. DTEK's comprehensive approach to accessibility involves working with employees, customers, and communities. Therefore, in its communications DTEK is guided by the recommendations added to the "Barrier-free Handbook" and we urge others to follow the example, "said Olga Zakharova.

In November 2020, DTEK joined Olena Zelenska's Business Without Barriers initiative, that united Ukrainian companies via commitment to promote change to create opportunities and social inclusion for all social groups, including people with disabilities, the elderly people, parents with children under six, women and youth. DTEK is already creating and adapting jobs for people with disabilities and other inclusive groups, as well as implementing dual education projects, allowing students to combine studies and internships at DTEK. Thanks to its social projects, DTEK promotes barrier-free principles throughout the regions of Ukraine - volunteers and activists submitted more than 300 relevant applications within the framework of the grant competition from DTEK. Also almost 300 children with disabilities now have an opportunity to have football practice, based on the specially adapted methods for free.

The handbook is available at: https://bf.in.ua