DTEK ranked 3rd in Ukraine according to the ESG Transparency Index of Ukrainian Companies 2020. The index demonstrates the level of information openness among the largest domestic companies. Corporate websites, financial and annual reports, corporate governance and social responsibility elements and even social media pages of company’s executives have been evaluated.

The evaluation was conducted by the Professional Association of Corporate Governance and the Center for the Development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The Business Openness Index was first conducted in 2011. It shows the level of disclosure of information on corporate governance, employee relations, environmental protection, and other CSR issues on Ukrainian websites.

"For DTEK, such a high rating in the Transparency Index is yet another confirmation of the company's reliable reputation. We appreciate that our efforts to build a European corporate governance system, honest operational practices, environmental protection, and cooperation with communities were appreciated," said Olena Semych, DTEK's Chief officer of Human Resources, Social Development and Environment. She added: “DTEK pays special attention at information openness and transparency of its activities, we are constantly improving the corporate website, publishing the latest news, financial and non-financial reports, as well as openly informing about our strategy. We have also recently implemented new inclusive features on the corporate website to make it easier for people with hearing and visual impairments to receive information."

Earlier this year, DTEK also received a high independent external evaluation of its activities in the field of environment, social policy, and corporate governance from the international agency Sustainalytics. In total, DTEK has invested UAH 22 billion in sustainable development, social projects, labor protection, staff training and environment.