DTEK Oil&Gas set a new daily gas output record among private gas producers. The company announced that September saw the company surpassing the 6 mcm mark in daily gas output and confidently moving towards new record highs for this year’s performance figures.

In September, DTEK Oil&Gas boosted daily gas production to 6.4 mcm, setting a new record among Ukraine’s private gas producers. This production boost was made possible by brand-new technologies implemented across the entire production chain. The company is successfully implementing a drilling programme, and has efficiently conducted several workovers and stimulation operations to increase output on its producing wells. In addition, DTEK’s oil and gas business division completed a major infrastructure project to build a modular cooling plant on the Machukhy Field ahead of schedule.

DTEK Oil&Gas is developing two fields and continuing exploration and desktop research on another three licences in the Poltava province, including the Zinkivska site. The company signed a production sharing agreement for the Zinkivska site on 31 December last year. Investments in exploration during the first phase will exceed UAH 1bn.

“This anniversary year for our company saw us continuing to comfortably lead among Ukraine’s private gas producers. In the current situation, energy security has become one of the most important challenges for our country. DTEK Oil&Gas puts its money where its mouth is and shows that it is possible to increase natural gas production in Ukraine. Commissioning of a modular cooling plant on the Machukhy Field as well as the drilling programme, workovers, and stimulation operations that are now underway will enable us to raise the bar even higher and beat last year’s performance,” said Igor Shchurov, DTEK Oil&Gas CEO.

Recall that speaking earlier at the Ukrainian Energy Forum, Igor Shchurov, DTEK Oil&Gas CEO, disclosed his company had set a new daily gas output record in June of 5.8 mcm. DTEK Oil&Gas is a technology leader in Ukraine’s oil and gas industry and extracts up to 10% of Ukraine’s gas production.