Bloomberg interview with DTEK: how can Ukraine become a primary energy supplier of Europe?

DTEK CEO Maxim Timchenko informed in his interview to Bloomberg about results of the WEF Annual Meeting 2022 Davos.

“Now we clearly see that Europe is an energy hostage of putin, having 45% of russian natural gas and 27% of russian oil in generation mix.” – Mr. Timchenko commented.

“It is time to change this and we think that Ukraine will play a crucial role in energy security of Europe. What can we offer is renewables”, - Maxim Timchenko added.

Mr. Timchenko also added that DTEK initiative “30by2030” means not only building solar and wind power plants. This is also about the huge investments into the trans-border capacity, system flexibility (like energy battery storage), in building facilities to produce green hydrogen. The estimated costs of such programme amount to EUR 35-40 bln. DTEK now starts negotiating with potential investors to build a strong alliance together with IFIs and governments (as also the state insurance guarantees are required for the successful launch of the project.