“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.” —Charles Darwin's phrase was spoken many times this weekend at Academy DTEK.

On July 9-10, Academy DTEK in partnership with the international business school IE Business School has launched the program «Change Energy» for executives on change management.

The program was opened by Valeria Zabolotnaya, Rector of the DTEK Academy. Valeria noted that the ability to drive business transformation and manage change and innovation in business is one of the most sought-after skills in any industry today. More than 63% of the world's leading managers predict more business changes in the next three years than in the last half century. Now the main factor of success is the ability to effectively adapt to the new reality. The development of managers who see opportunities in difficulties, have the courage to act with confidence in the face of uncertainty and risk, and have the character to do the right thing in difficult times, becomes a decisive factor.

Mariana Khomitskaya, Head of the Talent Development at DTEK Academy, and Jaime Veiga, Program and Academic Director of the Master's Program on Market Research and Consumer Behavior in IE Business School, spoke about the main goals, key tasks, structure and features of the program, and a unique path of transformation and building a roadmap for change as a learning outcome.

The first module was devoted to megatrends that are shaping our world from a business, technological and socio-political perspective. Milo Jones, Professor on Strategy and Change Management, spoke about the main drivers of change and the future of digital technology. “The future is not the “present plus better gadgets”, mindsets change more dramatically that most people expect” - noted Professor Milo.

Alexander Van De Putte, Professor on Strategy and Strategic Foresight, Consultant, and the Founding Director of the Sustainable Foresight Institute, spoke about the changing of corporate landscape and scenario planning. «Disrupt or be disrupted. Long-lived companies balance performance and learning. The corporation of the future will therefore need both a compass and radar. The compass will provide it with strategic direction, while the radar will provide it with peripheral vision to scan for discontinuities in both the global business environment and withing the organization» - said Aleksandr.

The emotional points of the module were presentations from Igor Novikov, Head of the SingularityU Kyiv Chapter, and Pavel Tanasyuk, the founder of the British company Spacebit, who in 2022 sends his invention, the spider robot «Asagumo» to explore the Moon.

• Only the question "Why?" helps to understand and overtake change.

• The era of MONO is over (MONOearnings, MONOprofession, MONOgamy, MONOeducation).

• Threats that we notice in advance are actually opportunities.

With these conclusions, the participants completed the first module and began to choose the directions of the road map for the gradual implementation of changes in the company's activities.

Executive Development Programme Change Energy – practical 5-modular program for executives on the development of managerial and innovative potential for perception of change as an opportunity to achieve strategic business goals and develop a culture of business transformation. The result of the training is a formation of a roadmap of changes.