Forbes Ukraine highlighted DTEK's comprehensive approach to supporting and reintegrating veterans in a recent article. The piece, titled "How Ukrainian businesses reintegrate, adapt and socialize veterans," showcases DTEK's decade-long commitment to building a culture of support for its employees serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Since 2014, DTEK has implemented various measures to assist colleagues in active service and returning veterans, from the provision of ammunition to maintaining contact with deployed soldiers and providing post-service reintegration support. The company has also established committees at each enterprise to address family support requests.

Upon veterans' return, DTEK focuses on psychological rehabilitation and reintegration. The company offers an expanded health insurance system through its "Veteran Plus" programme and provides additional vocational education and retraining opportunities.
Olena Semych, DTEK's HR Director, emphasised the importance of ongoing professional development in this field: "Ukrainian psychologists are now developing a unique experience of working in war conditions and that is why they need new knowledge and methodologies based on the best international practices."
To read the full article, visit Forbes Ukraine.
Photo by Forbes Ukraine.