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Corporate governance structure

The corporate governance system of DTEK Group is based on the principles of disclosure and transparency. We constantly develops our corporate governance system to take into account changes in commercial and society needs. DTEK Group has divided its strategic planning and operational management functions.

This approach allows for the equal development of new and existing business areas in line with both our long-term growth strategy and our ESG strategy.


Parent company of DTEK Group

Registered in the Netherlands. It determines strategic development areas of DTEK Group and provides methodological support to operating holdings.

General meeting of shareholders

Highest governing body

Makes decisions on the approval of performance results, distribution and payment of dividends, appointment of members of the Management Board, proposals for candidates for the position of members of the Supervisory Boards of operating holdings companies.

Management board

Collective executive body

It ensures unified approach concerning strategic priorities and issues considering the interests of all business areas of DTEK Group.

Operating holdings 100% of shares is owned by DTEK B.V. Registered in the Netherlands.
It is a parent holding for the respective operational company in Ukraine.
dtek energy b.v.
dtek renewables B.V.
dtek GRIDS b.v.
d.Solutions B.V.

Supervisory Boards

It is in charge of strategic planning; oversees actions undertaken by the top management;
approves and reviews the performance results; and determines the key performance
indicators. More than 10 years the practice of involving the independent directors in the
Supervisory Boards has implemented.

Management boards

Collective executive body
It is in charge of the development strategy implementation
and the current activity management.

Risk management system

DTEK Group is continuously developing and improving its risk management system, which enables timely risk and opportunity identification and management. This allows for a quick response to changes in the internal and external environment while maintaining operational efficiency and productiveness.

Basic principles of risk management

Timely identification, assessment
and management of risks
and opportunities


Business continuity


Ensuring that decisions are made taking into account the risks, opportunities and established risk appetite


Creation of an effective
insurance protection system

Compliance and corporate ethics

DTEK Group conducts its business activities in full compliance with the regulatory requirements of the jurisdictions in which its enterprises and companies operate. Ethical business operations are of fundamental importance to DTEK Group, and are assiduously complied with by every employee.

We pay particular attention to building a compliance culture, which is strengthened by the active support of the supervisory boards and management of the operating holdings of the compliance service initiatives. We adhere to anti-corruption standards and do not tolerate violations of economic sanctions

In 2018, we approved a new Anti-Corruption Program that complies with corruption risk management standards, takes into account the provisions of ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Corruption Management, anti-corruption legislation and international anti-corruption acts of extraterritorial action, in particular FCPA and UKBA. In addition, the section on checking business partners for assessing corruption risk, taking into account the recommendations of Transparency International and the World Economic Forum, has been finalised. Additionally, , we carry out an automated check on a daily basis of all counterparties for the application of sanction restrictions against them.

DTEK has a Trust Line and regular compliance training for employees.
Compliance Hotline

Anti-corruption programe
DTEK code of ethics and conduct