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Bringing power to Ukrainians

About DTEK / Bringing power to our people
Home page About DTEK Bringing power to our people
Doing our professional duty

Since the beginning of a full-scale invasion, DTEK has restored electricity to a total of more than 7 mln customers*, left without power in the city of Kyiv and in Kyiv, Odesa, Donetsk, and Dnipropetrovsk regions due to shelling and missile strikes.

For a year, our specialists have been working in the conditions of increased danger and repairing grids, destroyed due to enemy attacks. Since the beginning of a full-scale invasion on February 24 last year, energy workers have already repaired more than 4,000 power facilities that suffered from enemy attacks. 

Our primary priority is to provide electricity to customers as soon as possible. Energy workers commence work immediately after obtaining permission and access to the site of damage from the AFU and SES.


DTEK Group has been working to restore electricity supply in Ukraine.

Energy workers have restored electricity
to more than 7 mln families

mln families in the Donetsk region


mln families in the Kyiv region

and the city of Kyiv


thousand families in the Dnipropetrovsk region


thousand families in the Odesa region

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7 April 2023

How we managed to secure lights for Kyiv during the toughest heating season in Ukraine’s entire history

DTEK has become a reliable pillar of Ukrainian people during this toughest ever heating season in Ukraine’s entire history. Under conditions of martial law, professionals of DTEK Grids got Kyiv prepared for winter season, having repaired over 700 energy facilities and 126 kilometres of overhead lines. They addressed over 5 thousand emergency accidents, particularly, 348 that were caused by missile attacks. We restored electricity supply for 1 mln of clients in the capital. To ensure stable operation of the grids and to perform the repairs, 198 teams of electric installation engineers worked on the monthly basis, out of which 30 additional teams were established particularly to address emergency accidents.

About DTEK / Bringing power to our people

3 April 2023

DTEK brings the lighting back

During the first month of spring 2023 DTEK’s energy workers brought the lights back to 181 thousand families that had been left without electricity supply in Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions. Across these regions, military hostilities and shellings have been intense, therefore, as a matter of safety precautions, energy workers may only work and restore the power grids after they get a go-ahead from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service. Following another shelling, the workers of distribution system operators also brought the lights back to 9 thousand families in Odesa region.

About DTEK / Bringing power to our people
About DTEK / Bringing power to our people
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About DTEK / Bringing power to our people