Maxim Timchenko’s address on one-year full-scale invasion anniversary

Dear colleagues!

On February 24, exactly one year ago, we found ourselves in a new harsh reality. We all woke up in a new country living its new history. We were predicted a quick defeat, but the Ukrainians made their choice - to fight for the future, which is impossible without Victory.

In my address at the beginning of the war, I emphasized: our main task is to maintain endurance, help each other and ensure the stable operation of the energy system. Because that's the only way we can prevail.

And today, analyzing the most challenging year in the history of our country, we can confidently say: We have prevailed!

DTEK has been at the energy forefront since the first day of the full-scale invasion. Each of us has become irreplaceable in the great struggle of the Ukrainian people for the right to life and freedom. In a mine, or under shelling at a TPP, restoring destroyed power lines, extracting gas, restoring damaged SPPs, or working in the office - we contribute to the future Victory.

141 our colleague paid the highest price for her - their lives. Memories of them will forever remain in our hearts.

Colleagues, thank you for your work and daily feat. It is a great honor to work with such courageous and dedicated people. You are all Heroes. And these are not just my words. This is known by millions of our fellow citizens who are grateful to you for the light in these dark times because this light gives hope and faith in tomorrow.

We all still have a lot of work ahead of us. First, do everything for Victory, and after that, DTEK should become a leader in rebuilding Ukraine's energy system. It will be innovative and high-tech and create guarantees of energy security and supply of clean electricity for Ukraine and our partners in the EU.

We believe in the Armed Forces, our country, and our Victory. We believe in our strengths and the successful future of DTEK!

Glory to Ukraine!


Maxim Timchenko